Half A Person

"If You Have 5 Seconds To Spare, Then I'll Tell You The Story Of My Life"

Spose this is as good a time as any to introduce myself. My name is Joe, and this is my life in a website.
I will try and add an entry every few days or so to satisfy the masses. Hope you enjoy the ride.
That's a cartoon version of me drawn by Mr Rob Luckett. His website is linked, rather unsuprisingly, on my "links page".

Latest Entry
Mucho, Mucho apologies for the recent lack of updates. Basically I needed some time to recover from the trauma of my results, and then I was really full of flu and cold and had bloodshot eyes and stuff. But I'm back now, and I'l be carrying this on hopefully until the start of October when i go to the deep depths of Essex Uni. This project will then transfer to a weekly, handwritten affair. Which means you can't see it!! Ha!
I went to Camden with Greame on Friday. It's a fantastic place, full of markets selling cool clothes, great trecord shops and people offering you drugs. Greame was good enough to buy me an Atari T-Shirt and I got the Ooberman album for £2 from Tower Records. It's not a bad little album actually, there's a track called "Physics Disco" which is marvelously affecting.
Today is Tuesday, and today I bought the new Coldplay album "A Rush Of Blood To The Head". It's a wondrous album, far better than I dared hope. Will review for soundsxp.com. "The Scientist", in particular is as heartbreaking as they come, and the bit where Chris Martin wails "I'll take love over this" in opener "Politik" is tremendous.

I awoke almost literally shaking. I decided to turn RI:SE on, as I guessed they'd be showing fellow A-Levellers getting their results. They were. Strangly, everyone did well. Fucking fix. Turn on Radio 1. They're doing same thing. They interview an extraordinarily smug bastard who "did no revision" and yet has no other plans. He gets ABB and goes to Keele or somewhere. These people can't be real. This years Results day song was "Colourblind" by Darius. (This is the most notable song I hear on the day of results. Previous winners: GCSE's-"Groovjet" Spiller, AS's-"Eternity" Robbie Williams). Get out of bed, shower (sweaty), go downstairs, get online. I'm biding time, I'm watching the hands of the clock, I'm shitting myself. Suddenly, Paul Carter rings to offer me a lift (turns out his dad can't do) and to inform that he was phoned this morning by our Headmaster to tell him that he has done fablously in his exams and will be required to have a picture taken (Later, when I see him at school, he is almost crying when he tells me his precise results I'm genuinely pleased for him. I knew he worked his tanned little arse off, but not to that extent). I sit in the chair in my living room. The clock ticks. It was like being in a void. I waited long enough for my results, here I was on the day, but I still didn't know them. I begin the walk to school. It's hot, which is good, as it adds atmosphere to everything. I see Vicky Sayers about 1/3 of the way there. She gives me and Guy Smith a lift. As we pass the North Hall, I see the crowds of kids, the combined masses of the 6th Form, all waiting anxiously outside the South Hall. There is a kind of hushed, nervy speech. Every now and again, there will be a loudmouthed cheer. In we go. I queue up. Laura Whelen, who is in front of me, does well. Vicky Turner, who has always despised her, complains to me. I can't hear anyone, see anything. I say my name to the woman. She hands me the paper. Sharp intake of breath. BBC. Initial reaction is one of massive relief. It's what I thought I'd get. Suprised to see I got a C in History, and went up a grade in Drama. Most of my friends have got enough. Except Paul Miller, who got 2 C's and a E. I'm not sure what I feel about him. To be honest, I think I'm going to UEA. I get home, ring them. Can't confirm yet, ring back later. Hmm. Fobbing me off?? Go for lunch at Hutton with Essex bound pals and Luckett. Come back home. Phone twice more. Still no confirmation. Hmm. Decide a celebration at Sams is still required. I got decent grades and won't have to go through Clearing. Me, Morris and Spoz drive down with Morris' Dad. Worried about my usual lack of ID. Even more worried when I see the size of the Queue. Start to consider going home. Girls arrive, still reeling at the news of Jack and Jo getting together, when Kirsten and Sue arrive, both looking fantastically beatiful. They convince me to stay. Somehow avoid getting IDed again. Get in. Have a fab time. Dance, drink, flirt. Leave at 1:30. Get cab home. Sleep. Phone UEA. They say no. Upset, not heartbroken, Phone Essex, they say yes. She suggest phoning back tmrw morning, but I can't bee bothered. Am 99.9% sure I'll be at Essex. Wicked.
Apologies for the lacklustre style of writing. So much to cram into one day.

Contact Me
There's nothing I like more than recieving mail from a stranger who wishes to converse with me. Well, there are some things that are better than that, but it's in the single figures.
Still, make my day. E-Mail me.
Click Here For Mail Pleasure

The Basics
Ha! You've scrolled down this far! You deserve to know of what you will!!
1.My name is Joe Wisbey.
2.I am 18 years of young.
3.I have finished my A-Levels.
4.I'd like to go to a university please.
5.I write reviews for music websites.
6.I like watching football.
7.I fancy myself as a bit of writer.
8.I am currently single.
9.Actually, I've always been single.
10.I live with my mother and my mother only.
11.Oh, I live in Essex, England.
12.I've never had sex with anybody.
13.I like The Beatles, Sinatra, Coldplay.
14.I hope this weblog will last.
15.I am 6 feet tall. Yay!!
16.I don't smoke.
17.I drink little and often.
18.I don't get out enough.
19.I like attention.
20.I wish I was happier.